"kamusy" (fwd)

James West jdwest at u.washington.edu
Thu May 9 22:36:58 UTC 1996

"Kamusy" or "kamysy" (stress on first syllable) are the strips of reindeer
or elk-skin used on the skis of many of the northern Siberian peoples.
Probably adapted from any or all of the Uralic languages of NW Siberia,
the word has been in the Russian language since the 19th century at least.
In a recent (1992) book on the Khanty, which italicizes all the strictly
Khanty words it uses, the word "kamusy" is _not_ italicized.

                                               James West

On Thu, 9 May 1996, Franklin A. Sciacca wrote:

> A student is translating a Russian version of a Khanty tale that includes
> the word "kamusy."  Any idea of what it means (or which language it is?)
> Also a line in Khanty with a Russian gloss:  ku-ku lep-shep, khep-shep
> (pol-vesla, pol-lodki).  Thanks, Frank

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