Russian non-standard (??) pronunciation

Genevra Gerhart ggerhart at
Mon Oct 7 05:39:57 UTC 1996

Gorbachev has a distinct southern accent in Russian... He also makes
grammmatical and stress mistakes that make him the object of jokes.
Sakharov's problem is different.  Despite a lifetime of effort I have
not been able to establish for certain that the uvular R (kartavaniye)in
Russian is a problem due to nature or nurture.  Further, I have not
heard of parallels in other languages.  The following are true:
1. "Kartavaniye" is often attributed to Jews in Russia.
2. Many people who are not Jews "kartavyat";  some of these people do
consider that it is an elegant thing to do. Consider "grassirovat'"
3. Both French and German use the uvular R, and both at one time or
another were doubtless considered worthy of imitation.
4. In any case, those so afflicted insist that they cannot help
Genevra Gerhart               

2134 E. Interlaken  Bl.                 Tel. 206/329-0053
Seattle, WA  98112                      ggerhart at

Genevra Gerhart               

2134 E. Interlaken  Bl.                 Tel. 206/329-0053
Seattle, WA  98112                      ggerhart at

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