AATSEEL web page

George Mitrevski mitrege at mail.auburn.edu
Thu Oct 10 13:59:56 UTC 1996

I've been getting numerous requests from non-SEELANGers who have
stumbled onto our home page and who would like more information on one
subject/topic or another. I would like to encourage anyone who happens
to have a bibliography on any subject to consider posting it on a web
page, or let us post it on the AATSEEL page.

Also, encourage your students (graduate and undergraduate) to consider
posting bibliographies (or entire papers). At the moment there are
several people waiting for more information on icons, iconography and



PS. Please take another look at the main AATSEEL page and see if there
is anything that you have on any of the subjects that you would like to
contribute for posting.
Dr. George Mitrevski            office: 334-844-6376
Foreign Languages                  fax: 334-844-6378
6030 Haley Center               e-mail: mitrege at mail.auburn.edu
Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36849-5204

List of my WWW pages: http://www.auburn.edu/~mitrege/index.html

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