Polish enrollments

Gil Rappaport grapp at mail.utexas.edu
Sat Oct 12 22:28:12 UTC 1996

I get a voyeurist pleasure from reading about enrollments at other
institutions, so I'd like to chip in with our Polish situation at the
University of Texas at Austin..

We offer Polish every other year. Since 1984 (with 24), we have had about 16
each time we offered it; '94 was down to 9. This year I was supposed to
offer it, then we were going to cancel it (because I wouldn't be teaching in
the spring). I agreed to offer it as an independent study to a few graduate
students in area studies, and then, without any promotional efforts, calls
came in with inquiries, and I let them add. So, we ended up with 9, despite
the original decision to cancel it.

Czech and Serbo-Croatian also have healthy groups (I don't have the numbers
pod rukoj: 17 and 10 respectively?). First-year Russian is down about 7%
from last year (70 -> 65 in entry-level courses on the official, 12th day).

It is interesting how much correlation there is across institutions.

--Gil Rappaport

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