1st year Russian (fwd)

v. tumanov vtumanov at julian.uwo.ca
Mon Oct 14 22:25:34 UTC 1996

Dear Colleague:
        I wonder if you can answer a few questions on teaching 1st-year
Russian.  Thanks in advance.

1.  What textbook do you use in 1st-year Russian?

2. How many contact hours per week are involved?

3.  Is there a lab (mandatory or optional for the students)?

4.  If there is a lab, what materials are used there?

5.  How many students do you have enrolled now and how many of those do
you think you will keep (based on previous experience) all the way to the

6.  How many students do you have in the other years?

Best regards, Vlad Tumanov, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
vtumanov at JULIAN.UWO.CA

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