AATSEEL conference registration (UPDATE)

Jerry Ervin 76703.2063 at CompuServe.COM
Thu Oct 17 16:00:51 UTC 1996

Here is updated information on AATSEEL membership, subscription, and conference

Much of this same information is in the October AATSEEL Newsletter.  It has been
mailed, but as it is traveling bulk mail, it may not reach mailboxes for another
week yet.

Meanwhile, those who want to renew their AATSEEL memberships or preregister for
the conference will find all they need to know in what follows.  Please help
disseminate this information both physically and electronically.

Thanks for your support of, and interest in, AATSEEL.

--Jerry Ervin


        Membership renewals:  For many of us, it is not too early to make
membership payments for 1997.  Membership and subscriptions cover the calendar
year (January-December).  SEEJ and Newsletter address labels show the year
through which one is paid; all memberships and subscriptions expire in December
of the year indicated.  Early renewals are encouraged, and will extend the
paid-up period through the following December.  (Multiple year renewals are also
        New and reinstated memberships:  Unless otherwise directed, new and
reinstated memberships and subscriptions are credited to the year in which
received; in these cases, back issues of SEEJ and the Newsletter for that year
will be sent.

Benefactor (BEN) - $500
Special Friend (SPF) - $200
Friend (FRN) - $100
Sustaining Members (SUS) - $55
Joint Members (1 set of publications to 1 address) (JOI) - $45
Administrators, Full & Associate Professors (AFA) - $40
Non-Academic Members (NAM) - $40
Assistant Professors, Instructors and Lecturers (AIL) - $30
Secondary School Teachers (SST) - $25
Emeritus (EME) - $20
Students & Unemployed (S&U) - $20
Affiliate (Newsletter only) (NLO) - $20

SUBSCRIPTION RATES FOR INSTITUTIONS (all prices include shipping)
        Like memberships, subscription rates cover a calendar year
(January-December).  Address labels on SEEJ and the Newsletter show the year of
expiration.  New and reinstated subscriptions will be credited to the year in
which received, and back issues for that year will be sent.
Domestic, SEEJ and NL - $55
International, SEEJ & NL - $65
Newsletter only, domestic - $30
Newsletter only, international - $35

BACK ISSUES OF SEEJ (all prices include shipping)
Domestic - $15/issue
International - $17/issue

        All attendees must be current members (see rates above) and must also
register for the conference.  Registration for graduate students is $25.  For
others, preregistration at $50 and on-site registration at $60 are available
(with preregistration encouraged).   Preregistration by November 15 is essential
for presenters (panel chairs, secretaries, panelists) who wish to have their
names appear in the official, printed conference program.  For AATSEEL '96
(Washington, D.C.), the following information may be helpful:
Dates - 27-30 December, 1996
Location - Capital Hilton
Rooms rates - $82 single/double; call 1-800-HILTONS; mention AATSEEL
Transportation - American Airlines is offering special rates.  Call
1-800-433-1790; mention Star File #88D6AB.

        You don't need a form to register for the conference or send in a
membership, subscription, or back issue order--a letter will do.  Just be sure
to include all relevant information, such as the following:
        1.  WHAT you are requesting (e.g., conference preregistration only?
Membership--in what category?  Both conference preregistration and membership?
Back issues--if so, which volume and number?  Etc.).
        2.  Current MAILING ADDRESS (AATSEEL must pay for publications returned
by the Postal Service).
        3.  CONTACT information (such as phone, fax, or email--for office
follow-up, if needed).
        4.  AFFILIATION as you would like to have it appear on your conference
        5.  A CHECK for the correct amount.  Please make all checks payable to
AATSEEL, Inc., in US dollars.  Send orders, payments, or other inquiries to:
Gerard L. Ervin
Executive Director, AATSEEL
1933 N. Fountain Park Dr.
Tucson, AZ 85715 USA
phone/fax:  520/885-2663
email:  76703.2063 at compuserve.com

Finally, please keep us apprised of your mailing address.  Every publication
that is returned to AATSEEL costs your association money, and results in delays
and inconvenience to you.  (In this connection, please note my own new street
address.  Phone/fax and email addresses remain unchanged.)


Gerard L. Ervin

(Revised 15 October 1996)

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