AATSEEL-WI Conference (Revised)

Benjamin Rifkin brifkin at facstaff.wisc.edu
Fri Apr 11 17:18:25 UTC 1997

It has come to my attention that my previous posting on this topic may have
been difficult to read for those subscribers not using a Macintosh
platform.  My apologies to all.  Here is a revised version of the program
of the conference.  Unfortunately, in this version, all haczki are missing:
my apologies!

Ben Rifkin



Friday, April 18, 1997

A Free and Public Lecture

"The Flight from History:
Russian Emigre Writers of the 1920s
and the West"

by Alexander A. Dolinin,
Associate Professor of Russian,
University of Wisconsin-Madison

4:00 pm
7191 Helen C. White Hall

Conference Resumes

Saturday, April 19, 1997
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

All Events Are Free:

Room 316, Wisconsin Center,

702 Langdon St., Madison, Wisconsin

9:00 - 9:15 am  Coffee and Tea

9:15 -  10:15 am        Symbolism and Acmeism

Chair:          Leonid Livak, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Secretary:              Megan Dixon, University of Wisconsin-Madison

"History or Literature:  Zinaida Gippius' Peterburgskie dnevniki and Zhivye
litsa," Christine Borowec, Bryn Mawr College
"Zinaida Gippius' 'Bol'' or 'The Case of the Missing Colon'," Stuart
Goldberg, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"If You Build It He Will Come:  Bach's Legacy in Mandel'shtam's Acmeism,"
Janneke van de Stadt, University of Wisconsin-Madison

 10:30 - 11:45  19th and Pre-19th Century Slavic Literatures

Chair:          Stuart Goldberg, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Secretary:              Kyrsten Kibbey, University of Wisconsin-Madison

"Content vs. Context:  The Parable of the Vineyard Keeper in Tolstoi and
Solov'ev," Judith Deutsch Kornblatt, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"The Implications of Maria's Poetry for the Poet in Zygmunt Krasinski's
Nie-Boska komedia," Megan Dixon, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"Deflating Pushkin:  Pushkin's Biography and the Reformulation of Vladimir
Solov'ev's Aesthetic Theory," Donald Loewen, University of Wisconsin-Madison

11:45 am  - 1:30 pm     Lunch Break

1:30 - 1:45 pm  Coffee and Tea

1:45 - 3:00 pm  Post-War Slavic Prose

Chair:          Victoria Devereux, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Secretary:              Clint Walker, University of Wisconsin-Madison

"Fet and Nabokov:  Artistic Affinities and Antipathies," Laura Little,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
"The Narrative Agency in Gombrowicz's Autobiographical Writing," Tomislaw
Longinovic, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"Human Cognition, Morality, and Metaphysics:  The Psychological and
Philosophical Elements of Witold Gombrowicz's Cosmos," Matthew A.
Rosenstein, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
"The Evolution of a Shestidestiatnitsa:  Nina Katerli's Prose and Political
Writings," Tara Wilson, University of Bath, United Kingdom


Mark your calendars now:

The 1998 AATSEEL-Wisconsin Conference

will be held on Saturday, April 25, 1998 in

Lowell Hall, 610 Langdon St., Madison, Wisconsin.

Benjamin Rifkin
Assistant Professor of Russian,
Coordinator of Russian-Language Instruction & Teacher Training
Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1432 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Drive
Madison, WI  53706

e-mail:  brifkin at facstaff.wisc.edu
telephone:  608/262-1623, 608/262-3498
fax:  608/265-2814

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