final s in foreign words in French

baron chivrin thebaron at
Mon Apr 21 13:03:51 UTC 1997

Dear Seelangers,

I apologize for the fact that this is off the intended subject, but...
since we are a group of polyglots, I thought perhaps someone could help
me with a question about French pronunciation. The specific questions is

In French, what is the correct pronunciation of the names "Atos,"
"Portos," and "Aramis"? If the name is a foreign name, as in these cases
the original names are Greek, is the final 's' pronounced, or is it, as
in typical French nouns, proper and otherwise, silent? It seems to me
that in the case of these names the final 's' must be pronounced for the
sake of clarity?

Does anybody know the accepted practice?

Baron Chivrin
thebaron at

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