Ne AATSEELom edinym: SLAVIC at MLA!

Jerry Ervin 76703.2063 at
Mon Dec 1 23:54:50 UTC 1997

Thank you for this very helpful posting.  Let me, however, point out the
following statement that was provided AATSEEL by the MLA (since it is
problematic for at least some scholars each year):

"All [MLA] convention particpants-members and nonmembers-must pay
registration fees.  Registrants receive badges, which entitle convention
attendees to gain admittance to meetings, the job informnation center, and
the exhibit hall.  Registration fees are as follows: before 7 December
regular members, $75; graduate student and emeritus members, $30;
nonmembers, $100; graduate student and emeritus nonmembers, $45; unemployed
members and   members employed less than full time, $50.  Registration fees
after 7 December are as follows: regular members: $100; graduate student
and emeritus members, $30; nonmembers, $120; graduate student and emeritus
nonmembers, $45; unemployed members and members employed less than full
time, $50."

In other words, your AATSEEL badge will not get you into any MLA sessions
(except for the ADFL session honoring Dan Davidson).

See you in Toronto,

Jerry Ervin

*  *  *  *  *
Gerard L. (Jerry) Ervin
Executive Director, AATSEEL
1933 N. Fountain Park Dr.
Tucson, AZ 85715 USA
Phone/fax:  520/885-2663
Email:  76703.2063 at
AATSEEL Home Page:
*  *  *  *  *

--------------- Forwarded Message ---------------

From:   "SEELangs: Slavic & E. European Languages & literatures list",
To:     Jerry Ervin, 76703,2063
Date:   Mon, Dec 1, 1997, 13:41

RE:     Ne AATSEELom edinym: SLAVIC at MLA!


Those who will be attending AATSEEL in Toronto before Staryi Novyi God may
wish to visit lesser divinities or larger zoos, i.e. the MLA.

Slavic panels at this year's MLA include:

1. #182.  BLOOD AND NATION (not a metasession on the profession!):
          (1:45 - 3:00, Sunday 28 Dec.: Norfolk Room at Sheraton Centre)

   1. "The Birth of a Nation in Stalinist and Thaw Film: Blood and Warrior
      in ALEKSANDR NEVSKII, DON QUIXOTE, and HAMLET," A. Prokhorov, U of

   2. "Nation, Blood, and Identity in Milod Pavic and Emir Krusturica,"
      K.S. Ravetto, U of Ca., LA

   3. "Sacred Blood, Spilled Blood: The Cossacks in Gogol and Babel,"
      G. Rosenshield, U of Wisconsin, Madison

   4. "Rozanov, God's Body, and the Jews," H. Teplitz and A. Arkhipov,
      Stanford U

   RESPONDENT: S.L. Gilman, U of Chicago

2. #396: SEX AND DEATH
         (12:00 - 1:15, Monday 29 Dec.: Norfolk Room, Sheraton Centre)

    1. "Gogol: Funereal Eroticism and Horny Vampires," V. Todorov, U of

    2. "De Sade and Dostoevsky: Sovereignty in Transfression," N.
       Lawrence, Stanford U

    3. "Lilith and Eve as Metapoesis in Fedor Sologub's LEGEND IN
       CREATION," C.K. Cosner, U of Illinois, Urbana

    4. "Culture beyond Pornography: Sexual Transgression in Woody
       Allen, David Cronenberg, and Valeriia Narbikova," S. Roll,
       McGill U

    RESPONDENT and Chair: H. Goscilo

          (10:15 - 11:30, Tuesday 30 Dec., York Room, Sheraton

    1. "Fear and Fiction: Official Soviet Lit. on the Soviet
       Prison Camps," D. Toleczyk, U of Va

    2. "The Body and the Machine in Soviet and German Industrial
       Posters of the 1930s," E. Prokhorova, U of Pittsburgh

    3. "Afterimages of Totaliraian Visual Culture in Germany," C.
       Scribner, Columbia U

     Chair: C.A. Cavanagh, U of Wisconsin, Madison

          (12:00 - 1:15, Tuesday 30 Dec., Elgin Room, Sheraton Centre)

     1. "The Trope of Displacement and Identity Construction in
        Postcolonial Ukrainian Fiction," V. Chernetsky, Columbia U

     2. "The Sweetest Poison of Enslavement: The Western Other as a
        Better Bulgarian Self," N.D. Nankov, Indiana U, Bloomington

     3. "The Road less Traveled: Tracing National Identity in Iva
        Pekarkova's Writing," P.M. Pavliscak, U of NC, Chapel Hill

     4. "Recycling the Colonial Metaphor: Croatians Go to the Congo,"
        N. Petkovic, U of Texas, Pan American

     RESPONDENT: D. Kujundzic, U of Memphis
     Chair: T.Z. Longinovic, U of Wisconsin, Madison

Apologies for absence of diacritics and consequent insults to ethnic

Helena Goscilo, also dediacriticized

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