Kentucky Foreign Language Conference Pedagogy Roundtable

ludwig jonathan ludwig1 at
Wed Feb 5 05:04:29 UTC 1997


Cynthia Ruder of the University of Kentucky and I are organizing a
roundtable titled "New Textbooks for New Curricula" at the Kentucky
Foreign Language Conference, 17-19 April of this year. Traditionally the
pedagogy panel/roundtable is held on Saturday afternoon.

This roundtable follows on the heels of last year's well-attended and
well-received Golosa roundtable. Rather than concentrate on a single
Russian textbook, we decided to expand the scope of the roundtable this
year to include any of the recently published books that are of interest
to the audience. Those that come to mind immediately, in addition to
Golosa, are Nachalo, Troika, Grammatika v kontekste, the new version of
Davis/Oprendek, the new version of Focus on Russian (and those are just
the ones that come to mind immediately!).

We hope to attract authors of some of the textbooks, professors from
larger graduate programs who are in charge of language instruction and
hence have had the chance to review several of the texts, those who may
not have had the opportunity to review large numbers of new texts, but
who are very interested in the new offerings, and some advanced graduate
students interested in pedagogy. This would be a great opportunity to
discuss strengths and weaknesses of the textbooks with colleagues and (we
hope) authors alike and to learn how these texts are currently being used
in a variety of programs.

If you are interested in attending and participating in this workshop,
please let me know as soon as you are able at LUDWIG1 at UX1.CSO.UIUC.EDU.
Please do NOT reply to this listserve message. Also, please drop Cynthia
Ruder a note at RAERUDER at UKCC.UKY.EDU; she will be able to forward
specific conference and hotel information to you. If you are unable to
attend (or even if you are) and know of a colleague who would be
interested in this roundtable, please forward their e-mail address to me,
or ask them to get in touch with me via e-mail.

Thank you, and best wishes,

Jonathan Ludwig

Dr. Jonathan Z. Ludwig
Russian Language Program Coordinator
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
3092 Foreign Language Building
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
707 S. Mathews Ave.
Urbana, IL  61801

ludwig1 at

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