a blind student

Julia Trubikhina jvt8902 at is3.nyu.edu
Tue Feb 18 21:42:20 UTC 1997

>I have a blind student who wants to go to Russia and take his dog along.
>Does anyone know any addresses, web-sites, anything where we could find
>some information about blind people in Russia, Moscow to be exact?
>Thank you, Olga Kagan

The phone number of the Vsesoiuznoe Obshchestvo slepykh (now must be
renamed into "vserossiiskoe") - which I believe used to be somewhere near
Staraia Ploshchad', not the Prospect Mira - must be in any current Moscow
phone book.
My memory of this organization  some 7 years ago is as of a very
bureaucratic and formal structure but things might have changed.
Good luck,
Julia Trubikhina
New York University

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