Klanderud's List

Robert Orr roborr at aix1.uottawa.ca
Thu Mar 6 06:28:55 UTC 1997

Just another comment on the literary critic issue:

When it's pointed out that for every deserving (according to whose
criteria?) writer there are probably ten thousand critics, it might be
noted that (I think in Australia) the fact that in many cases the actual
writers live in comparative poverty, while the critics enjoy very
comfortable tenured positions in universities, high salaries, etc., etc.,
has occasioned some comment.

As a linguist, though, I should point out that there are probably several
linguists who are enjoying similar positions largely on the basis of their
work with actual speakers of their main language of interest, while the
speakers themselves live in poverty.

This is probably true in other fields of human endeavour as well.

Shockingly corrupt, isn't it?

Have another drink.

Robert Orr

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