Looking For Job

David W Kaiser kaiserd at U.Arizona.EDU
Mon May 5 15:33:49 UTC 1997

On Mon, 5 May 1997, Greg Ploss wrote:

> I am looking for a job in the Moscow area.  Can anyone give me any leads or
> where to look on finding a job?  I have done a great deal of research on the
> internet, but any additional information would be helpful.
> Thanks,
> Greg Ploss
> gploss at aol.com

Just pick and go there, arrange to stay with a buddy or a contact, and try
to find something, you'll have no trouble. Try checking the two or three
english language newspapers, networking will always help. As a rule, if
you get a job in the US and they fly you over, the pay and perks are
better, but that's harder to do than to get a job once you're there.

Dave Kaiser
Department of Russian and Slavic Languages
University of Arizona

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