AATSEEL Web Server Update: Two Versions

David J Birnbaum djbpitt+ at pitt.edu
Wed Nov 26 22:36:23 UTC 1997

Dear SEELANGers,

For the General Public: After another day of cranky behavior, the AATSEEL
web server is now back in operation (26 November, 5:30 p.m. Pittsburgh
time), and I do not anticipate any further interruptions.

For Geeks: The AATSEEL web server problem was the consequence of applying
a Solaris 2.5.1 operating system patch that interfered with access to the
name server.  Applying a newer version of the patch plus three additional
patches appears to have corrected the problem. As an
if-everything-else-fails strategy, we discovered that backing out of the
first patch was also able to resolve the problem (which is why the system
was intermittently accessible today, as we applied and backed out
repeatedly), but we were aiming for a solution that would provide the
advantages of the patch without the significant disadvantage of rendering
the system completely inaccessible to the entire outside world :-). That
solution seems to have been achieved.

With apologies for these fitful two days, and with regrets about my
sanguine "oh, yes, I can be my own system administrator" confidence,


Professor David J. Birnbaum     email: djbpitt+ at pitt.edu
Department of Slavic Languages  url:   http://clover.slavic.pitt.edu/~djb/
1417 Cathedral of Learning      voice: 1-412-624-5712
University of Pittsburgh        fax:   1-412-624-9714
Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA

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