Software for Croat and Serb Alphabets

Michael Betsch Michael.Betsch at Uni-Tuebingen.DE
Wed Oct 15 07:44:41 UTC 1997

À (At) 2:40 Uhr +0200 15.10.1997, Ellen Elias-Bursac écrivait (wrote) :
>---------------------- Information from the mail header
>Sender:       "SEELangs: Slavic & E. European Languages & literatures list"
>              <SEELANGS at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>
>Poster:       Ellen Elias-Bursac <bursac at>
>Subject:      Software for Croat and Serb Alphabets
>Is there a single software program for either PCs or Macintosh which
>provides both Croatian diacritics and Serbian cyrillic keyboards?
>Ellen Elias-Bursac
>Harvard Slavic Department
>bursac at

Probably not. What is needed, is not a software program, but an appropriate
font which should contain croatian diacritics and serbian cyrillic letters.
Usually, fonts contain only one of them. Of course, it should be easy to
switch fonts and keyboard layouts both on PC and on the Mac in normal
programs (e.g. word- processors).

Michael Betsch

Michael Betsch
Kaesenbachstrasse 10
72076 Tuebingen, FRG
Tel.:+49 7071/51917
email: Michael.Betsch at Uni-Tuebingen.DE

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