Re derivation of the word Zhid

Genevra Gerhart ggerhart at
Thu Aug 20 01:10:20 UTC 1998

To Mr. Rice:
You say: "This mounting exchange once more makes me think that email
newsletters are very far down the list of useful media for intellectual
discourse.  In September of 1993, in direct response to that SEEJ review
by Harold Shefski and Dreizin's book, I wrote a few drafts of "A Note on
Pejoratives for 'Jew' in Dostoevsky's Usage," which I have shared with a
few Dostoevsky specialists but haven't finished.  I hereby pledge to say
no more on the subject via SEELANGS, but to try to get it into proper
shape for a refereed journal."

(1)If e-mail lists are very far down the list of useful media, please to
explain why ours managed to instigate your, I hope, worthy attempt to
prepare material for a refereed journal.
(2) You are right, the material should be written up, and much as you
describe. Don't let intellectual discourse bother you too much.
Regards, gg

Genevra Gerhart

2134 E. Interlaken  Bl.                 Tel. 206/329-0053
Seattle, WA  98112                      ggerhart at

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