Germ/Slav grad school options?

John J Ronald jronald at Bayou.UH.EDU
Wed Jan 14 23:03:12 UTC 1998

I am trying to find my niche in the
academic community, preparing to return full
time to graduate school to get my
PhD...anyway, I hold a Master of Arts
from Rice University in German Studies, but
my "research language" that I chose
(besides English and German) was Russian;
I have a strong interest in interdisciplinary
work specifically related to studying European
Modernism across different cultures.  My
question for the forum is: does anyone know
if your GERMAN department is of the same
calibre as the Slavic and/or Russian Dept.
you currently belong to? In other words,
can anyone name for me a university in
Canada or the USA that has a strong graduate
program in both German AND Slavic(or Russian) Studies?
I've thusfar found places that were strong in
one or the other but never both--but I haven't
been looking that long yet.  In case any of you
out there are actually able to give me a good lead,
first, please accept my heartfelt thanks, and second,
could you then tell me if this particular university
has a sizeable Czech program or Film Studies dept. or
BOTH...It is such a big leap to leave working in
the public schools to pursue my dreams and ambitions
again in the academic world (I want to be either a
professor or research librarian--and in any case I
wan my PhD in a liberal arts field before I try for
an MS in Library Science or Foreign Language Education)
that I want to do everthing I can to ensure that
I choose the right school with the faculty who is
most in tune with my line of thinking and research...
Thanks to all on SEELANGS who read and consider my
message, and thanks to all here who have helped me
in the past....

J. Jamison Ronald
Friendswood High School
Foreign Languages- German
F.I.S.D., Friendswood, Texas

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