Summer Seminar on Cossack folk music

Robert Beard rbeard at
Sat Mar 7 04:24:05 UTC 1998


I just sent you a customer who remembered the web page from last
year.  Do you want me to put the page back up? If so, I'm afraid you
will have to write me (sorry) and provide me with the new text.


Robert Beard, Director, Linguistics & Russian Studies Programs
Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA 17837
rbeard at
Office:  717-524-1336  |  Home: 717-524-9260  |  Fax: 717-514-3760
-----Original Message-----
From: Laura J. Olson <Laura.J.Olson at>
Date: Monday, February 16, 1998 5:15 PM
Subject: Summer Seminar on Cossack folk music

>Dear Colleagues,
>        I helped to plan a similar seminar with the Moscow Conservatory in
>and it was a great success; this year, with the same organizers, but moving
>further afield to Cossack communities, it looks even more exciting. If you
>know of people who are interested in Russian folk music, please pass this
>notice on to them.
>        My apologies to those of you who may have received duplicate
>        --Laura Olson
>        U. of Colorado, Boulder
>The Folk Music Department of the Moscow State Conservatory announces its
>second summer seminar, The Singing and Instrumental Traditions of the Don
>Cossacks, to take place August 5-19, 1998. The seminar will include 6 days
>of workshops and courses at the Moscow Conservatory, and a 7-day field
>expedition to Cossack villages in the Volgograd region of Russia.
>Participants will live in home-stay situations: in Moscow, they will be
>housed with members of the Moscow State Conservatory Folklore Ensemble, and
>in the Volgograd area, in Cossack homes. Natalia Giliarova, the chair of
>the Folklore Department of the Conservatory and director of the Folklore
>Ensemble, will conduct the seminar. The specific hours of study included in
>the Moscow portion of the trip are:
>        -Basic genres of Russian folklore (4 hours)
>        -Singing traditions of the Don Cossacks (4 hours)
>        -The Wedding ritual (2 hours)
>        -Instrumental traditions of the Don Cossacks (2 hours)
>        -Workshops in singing, instruments, and traditional dances and
>games, together with the Moscow Conservatory Folklore Ensemble. Includes
>group field trips to museums and parks in Moscow area (12 hours)
>        Lectures, classes, and all songs taught will be translated into
>English for those who do not know Russian. In living situations, every
>effort will be made to match non-Russian speakers with English-speaking
>hosts and/or roommates.
>        In Volgograd, participants will acquaint themselves with the
traditions of
>the Don Cossacks directly from members of local amateur ensembles, and will
>have a chance to observe firsthand how traditions are carried out today.
>The Don Cossacks are Russian-speaking people who settled in the borderlands
>of Russia during the 16th century. They evolved particular traditions drawn
>from their ususual lifestyles and proximity to non-Russian peoples; their
>music has been made popular in Russia through the efforts of numerous
>revivalist groups, such as the Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble, which has
>extensively toured the U.S.
>        Both in Moscow and in Volgograd, participants will have ample
>to learn and practice songs and dances outside of scheduled classes. The
>seminar will be conducted informally with plenty of individual attention,
>so that students with particular interests can pursue them within the
>context of the seminar. All skill levels are welcome.
>        Cost of the entire seminar, including all living expenses,
>within Russia, and classes, is $1340 if there is a total of 7-10
>participants, and $1200 if there are 10-15 participants. Supplementary
>cultural programs such as visits to specific museums or monuments in Moscow
>can be organized at the wish of the participants for modest extra cost.
>        Those who wish to take part in the seminar should send a letter to
>the Conservatory by May 1, 1998, with the following information, which is
>necessary for the issuance of the visa: Full name, date of birth, address,
>place of work or study, number of passport, its expiration date and date
>and place of issuance, and the desired dates for entry and exit of Russia.
>The letter should be sent by fax to: (7) (095) 229-9659 (write dlia
>Giliarovoi on cover sheet) or by post to: Natalia Giliarova, Kabinet
>narodnoi muzyki, Moskovskaia Konservatoria, B. Nikitskaia 13, Moscow,
>Russia 103871. You may wish to call to make sure your fax or letter has
>been received; the home phone number of the seminar's organizer, Oksana
>Levko, is (7) (095) 138-1569.
>        For more information about the seminar, contact the co-organizer
>of the 1996 seminar, Prof. Laura Olson, Dept. of Germanic and Slavic,
>University of Colorado at  Boulder by e-mail at lolson at or
>phone (303) 492-7729.
>Laura J. Olson
>Assistant Professor
>Dept. of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures
>U. of Colorado
>CB 276
>Boulder, CO 80309
>office phone: (303) 492-7729
>dept. fax: (303) 492-5376

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