Russian Lang. Programs?

Rolf Fieguth Rolf.Fieguth at
Thu May 14 09:08:35 UTC 1998

Hello back,

I have no answer to your question, but I am interested in the internet
address of the Polish language programme you mention.
Best wishes, Rolf Fieguth.

>Does anyone here know of some nice shareware programs (ie free) that help
>teach Russian, particularly ones I can download off the internet?   I had
>found one on Polish a long time ago and am hoping to find one for Russian.

  |Rolf FIEGUTH           |  Uni Fribourg/CH   |          e-mail:     |
  |Lettres/Lang. slaves   |--------------------|                      |
  |Portes de Fribourg     |Tel.41 26 300 79 12 |Rolf.Fieguth at |
  |CH-1763 Granges-Paccot |Fax.41 26 300 96 97 |                      |

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