Russian Painting -- WWW Gallery Opening

Benjamin Sher sher07 at
Tue Sep 1 03:34:50 UTC 1998

Dear Colleagues:

It is with great pride that I invite you and your students to visit the
totally  redesigned Russian Painting Art Gallery on the Web at:

Professor Alexander Boguslawski and his students have created
what is  indeed a great Internet treasure, namely, a virtual museum
of Russian Painting from the Medieval icon to the Russian Avant-
garde. This gallery is unique in that it fully integrates a rich and
varied and ever-expanding  collection of images (and fabulous
details of those images) with a  comprehensive discussion and
analysis of key issues in Russian history, culture and art.

The new, intuitive design of the Russian Painting web site is truly
breathtaking: It has accomplished the rare feat of being at once
grand and intimate, spacious yet intense and focussed, like a library
with many inviting alcoves and recesses, each offering its own
unique composition of images and text, its own special atmosphere,
where the viewer may find himself  deeply involved in the ongoing
discussion of a theme in Russian history or  lost in the
contemplation of an icon by Rublev or a landscape by Levitan or  a
visionary painting by Chagall.

Nearly every major period of Russian Painting and nearly every
major school or movement is represented along with in-depth,
eloquent and deeply informed discussions of all the major painters.
Prof. Boguslawski, who, in addition to being a teacher of Russian, is
also a painter, brings his special painterly sensibility to his
analysis of individual works of art. Finally, he and his students have
incorporated the work of leading scholars in the field to produce
what will no doubt soon become the premier History of Russian
Painting on the Internet.

Congratulations are clearly in order to Prof. Boguslawski and his
students and to Rollins College for their sponsorship of this
incomparable gallery of  Russian Art.

Visitors are encouraged to sign the GuestBook and leave their
comments and observations. I can assure you a most rewarding
experience, and I have no doubt that many of you will find
yourselves returning to this site again and again.

By the way, for those of you who may in the future misplace the
address of  Russian Painting, you can always find it on my Sher's
Russian Index under:

Art -- Russian Painting -- A History in Images and Texts.



Benjamin Sher
Russian Literary Translator
Sher's Russian Web:
Sher's Russian Index:

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