MultiLex English-Russian dictionary -- a footnote

Benjamin Sher sher07 at
Wed Sep 23 01:47:54 UTC 1998

Dear Colleagues:

A final footnote. The Multilex English-Russian Dictionary is
available in its entirety for free. You type in a word, and out comes a
fabulous series of equivalents in every sphere, etc. However, if you
examine a little more closely, you will see that Multi-Lex also offers
the dictionary for sale, along with the usual add-on dictionaries.
These add-on dictionaries look great (law, geology, etc. etc.). I
downloaded the entire dictionary once for the fun of it (about 8 or 10
or is it 12 megs). Turned out that the dictionary you download to
your computer is just a demo that will only work with the first two or
so letters. That's what I meant by "downloading" (in Russian the
word "downloading" has apparently two translations: "zagruzka" or
"zagruzit'" means to download from the server to your screen for
viewing only, while "vygruzka" or "vygruzit'" means "to download to
your computer for storage as a file."  I noticed this while surfing the
Net. For instance, on Radio Free Europe, you will see the FTP
"vygruzit' dlia lokal'nogo proslushivania" (as opposed to
"poslushat' srazu"), while on other Russian sites I recall seeing
notices saying: Please wait for the "zagruzka" of our images and
texts to complete its process (I don't recall the exact words), in other
words, before you can actually read and view the site.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. Hope, anyway, that I have been of
some help in spite of my gaffe.



Benjamin Sher
Sher's Russian Web and Index

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