Onegin film

Emily Tall mllemily at
Sun Aug 22 00:07:42 UTC 1999

I thought you all would be interested in the review of the new film of
Onegin with Ralph Fienes (of "English Patient" and "Schindler's List")
that should be opening in North America in the fall or winter. The review,
from Moskovskie novosti of June 9, 1999, says that it is not only a high
quality film but also very Russian! "Nothing of Hollywood: all-passion,
all "toska--neponiatnaia i neizbyvnaia, i vechnaia neprikaiannost' i
obrechennost' russkoi liubvi i russkoi dushi." They did point out the
absurdity of having Olga and Lenskii sing "Oi, tsvetet kalina," and that
Tatiana's name day was in the summer and that Lenskii was hunting in late
spring in a sheepskin, but otherwise, everything was fine. Indeed, says
the reporter, the filmmakers "perezhili, prozhili etu istoriiu tak, chto
zastavili nas, ironichno-doverchivikh,...oshchutit' ee kak budto tozhe
        I am dying to see Fienes as Onegin. What a great idea for a class
excursion--although in Buffalo it will probably appear fleetingly during
winter break...
        Emily Tall, SUNY/Buffalo

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