"word association", vocabulary acquisition and neural networks

Valentina Zaitseva vz2 at is.nyu.edu
Tue Aug 31 01:38:59 UTC 1999

>Question which may sound silly:
>Has there ever been a study done
>which takes an 'average' of
>"word associations" and used this
>information for teaching related

-yes, there exists a dictionary (in two volumes), called
Russkii assotsiativnyi slovar'
(Assotsiativnyi tezaurus sovremennogo russkogo iazyka; editors;
Ju. N. Karaulov, Ju. A. Sorokin et al. Moscow 1994

I don't know of any teaching materials based on it, but myself found it
useful for teaching.

Good Luck,
Valenbtina Zaitseva

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