HS Language Requirements

Benjamin Rifkin brifkin at facstaff.wisc.edu
Wed Dec 8 18:21:32 UTC 1999

It's possible that some HS counselors may have decided that since there is
no advanced placement exam for Russian, it cannot be used to fulfill an
admission requirement.

This is certainly not the case at UW-Madison.

Ben Rifkin

>>A counselor at one of our high schools has been telling students and
>>parents that colleges are not accepting Russian as a foreign language
>>requirement for incoming freshman.  Does anyone know if this is true?
>>If it isn't true, where might the high school counselors have got this
>>Lois Vasiljevic

Benjamin Rifkin

Assoc. Prof. of Slavic Languages, UW-Madison
Coordinator of Russian-Language Instruction
1432 Van Hise Hall, 1220 Linden Dr., Madison, WI  53706
voice:  608/262-1623; fax:  608/265-2814

Director of the Russian School
Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT  05753
voice:  802/443-5533


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