Ukrainian rock lyrics/videos

Natalia Shostak natalia.shostak at
Fri Dec 10 01:35:12 UTC 1999

> Could anyone recommend some websites or other sources for song lyrics
> by contemporary Ukrainian-language rock bands? The specific
> groups/performers I have in mind are Braty hadiukiny, V.V., Komu

Dear Curt,

there is another site that offers Ukrainian language materials:

there they have few music videos, one is titled "Pisennyi vernisazh"
but their Ukrainian selection is informed mostly by 'diaspora interests'

there are  some music videos made in Ukraine on Hadiukiny and Chervona
Ruta festivals. The Chervona Ruta office in Kyiv could be a good place to
check with. Let me know if you'd like to go this far, than I can check out
their coordinates for you.

Natalia Shostak
Visiting Lecturer
Ukrainian Program

Department of Slavic Languages
and Literatures
University of Toronto
21 Sussex Ave., Toronto

General office: (416) 978-4895
Direct line:    (416) 978-4456
fax:            (416) 978-2672

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