Is there a computer program which "diagrams" Russian cases?

Fri Jul 16 14:06:00 UTC 1999

     Hello SEELANGers!

     First, a quick "thank you!" is in order for simply being here.
     Prof. Jason Merril of Drew University (Madison NJ USA), who is one
     of the quieter members of the list (I think, that I am a far
     noisier member!), contacted me with an invitation to attend the
     Russian I and II elementary courses at Drew during the summer, when
     I requested information about tutors and/or courses being taught.

     Well, the course went well.  I was not one of the best students to
     be sure, but in a mere 8 weeks time, thanks to SEELANGS, Prof.
     Merril, my sister (for driving me down there and taking a course
     there herself simply so that I could take the beginning Russian),
     and undoubtedly the prayers of Sts Cyril and Methidius (who better
     to ask to pray for you in learning a Slavic language than the
     inventers of the written portion!?), I at least have four cases
     down, past present and future, and aspect.  There's a long road
     ahead of me, but that's true of any language learning, I'm sure,
     and I'm ready for it.

     Now - my question: Does anybody here know of a program (MS-DOS or
     Windows3.1/95) which can take a sentence in Russian and "diagram"

     I may end up writing the program myself, but I'm hoping that
     something exists...

     Basically, all it would have to do is: Identify the case (I assume
     it would do so by reading the sentence backwards and peeking at the
     endings of the words), and either break it out in standard
     diagramming form, or simply use different colors to identify what
     it thinks the cases are.

     If that doesn't exist, perhaps there is a workbook which helps one
     practice diagramming sentences?  [maybe 7 sentences per page with
     plenty of room for the diagramming, and answers in the back of the

     (otherwise, I will probably just take some Russian books that I
     have and try it on my own.  Still, it's nice to have the answers
     ready and waiting for you to compare with :) )

     Thank you for your help!

     kenneth.udut at

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