Fwd: MOSTOVI: Hrpski jezicki standard (now: Montenegrin)

Marc L. Greenberg greenbrg at kuhub.cc.ukans.edu
Sat Jul 31 08:04:23 UTC 1999

Armin Hetzer wrote:

> >least. Obviously, this is an error. What is the current standard of
> >Montenegro - Crnogorski, I suppose? Because I have found a book title
> >Crnogorski pravopis.

There is an article that speaks about the nascent Montenegrin
standard in a book edited by A. Dulichenko: Jazyki bol'shie i malye
(Tartu, 1998?). Unfortunately, I'm away from home right now and do
not have access to the title of the article nor the exact date of the
book (which was published within the last few years). I would guess
that at the moment the language question in Montenegro is in flux,
along with the social and political situation.

Best wishes,

Marc L. Greenberg
Dept. of Slavic Languages
2134 Wescoe Hall
University of Kansas 66045-2174

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