Unicode problems

Stephen Bobick bobick at accessone.com
Wed Mar 3 22:17:13 UTC 1999

Dobryj den'!

  Pan Brouwer napysav:
  >When I import a plain text (.txt) file with Cyrillic into Word 97
  >(8.0) and apply a unicode font like Times New Roman or Courier
  >New to that text, no Cyrillic appears. Only non-unicode ER fonts show
  >I understand that this is because in Word 97, there is no way to tell
  >the text that its higher ASCII-values belong to the Cyrillic subset,
  >and not to Latin-1.

Here is a workaround:  it is inconvenient, but it works.  And in the end
you only need to use one version of Word.

1) Fire up WordPad
2) Open the plain text file with Cyrillic.
3) Edit->Select All
4) Format->Font ; under Script select Cyrillic
5) Save the file as a Word document
6) Fire up Word
7) Open the file saved in step 5

Vs'oho najkrashchoho,

-- Stepan

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