Apologies and Russian FLEX text

Nava Rebecca Samantha Cohen navaho59 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 15 22:18:01 UTC 1999


Apologies if I just sent a junk forward to the list.  My browser
crashed in the middle of a forward (NOT to this list) and when I
started it up again, much to my horror, I found my forward in my
SEELANGS folder.  I hope that it was just a browser glitch and
no one else received it, but if you did, I'm sorry to clog your

The real question:  I will be teaching a 6 session middle school
exploratory course on Russian language and culture.  Can anyone
recommend a text, appropriate to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders, that
will give students a nice introduction to Russian?

thank you,
Nava Cohen

navaho at nwu.edu                              http://www.nwu.edu/people/navaho
Betsy-Tacy Homepage               http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Lights/4859
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