SEEJ Transliteration Preference

Jules Levin jflevin at
Tue Sep 28 19:39:39 UTC 1999

What about the diacritics in Roman-alphabet languages?  I will skip giving
examples from Slavic langs to my colleagues (also because I can't get them
into my email message), and go straight to my problem with Lithuanian
diacritics and accent symbols (all of which in one form or another are also
found in Slavic langs.  I am writing a monograph, that among other things
discusses specifically the accentuation and the use of diacritics.  I am
having enough trouble getting everything accurately on my screen and out of
my printer.  If a publisher can't replicate, the whole point is lost.  What
I want to know is If we can get to the moon, how come we...? (Sorry about
that last...I got carried away.)
Jules Levin

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