
E. Boyle emboyle at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Thu Jun 8 23:05:46 UTC 2000

Oh, come on now, people.  "Boasting" about not using the internet or email
or even computers will get us no where with our current crop of students.
The fact of the matter is, our "audience" as it were consists of kids who
have been brought up on TV, movies and, yes, the computer, **whether we
like it or not**.  A university education is no longer the prized
possession of the very rich, the very privileged and the very erudite.
Hate to tell ya, but that's democracy in action.  So I suggest we stop
moaning about the sorry state of American culture (an opinion I don't
share), stop whining about how "kids today" are completely uncultured
(they are not), and get on with the business of trying to figure out how
best to teach the students of today.  If new teaching methods are called
for, then let's put our energies there.  Our students may not be able to
spell "Luddites," but I bet they know them when they see them.


Eloise M. Boyle
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
University of Washington
Box 353580
Seattle, WA  98195

On leave 2000-2001
e-mail: emboyle at u.washington.edu

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