Query: Russian & EE literary prizes

Alexandre Bougakov bougakov at MAIL.RU
Fri May 5 08:05:28 UTC 2000

Hi, Jolanta

There are also "Andrey Belyj Price" - "Премия Андрея Белого", "Appollon 
Grigoriev price" - "Премия Апполлона Григорьева"

Try to search words "Букер", "Букеровская премия" etc using www.Yandex.ru 
search engine - it is highly recommended for all people who are interested 
in the russian websites. Yandex found more than one thousand pages 
containing the word "Booker" and lots of sites related to the the 

Very interesting are www.russ.ru (highly recommended for all 
SEELANGers!!!!!!), www.vavilon.ru, 
http://ng.glasnet.ru/exlibris/ and http://ng.ru/culture/. Try them, maybe 
you will find something interesting.

Sincerely yours,
Alexandre Bougakov <mailto:bougakov at mail.ru>
Student of the sociological faculty of the Higher School of Economics 
(http://www.hse.ru), Moscow, Russian Federation
My website is http://SocioLink.narod.ru/ (thousands of sociology related 
links on the Web)
My PGP key ID is 0x97F20C99, Key Fingerprint is C83C 5998 F43A BEB7 70DF 
 B8FC CC5E 960E 97F2 0C99 (PGP version is 6.0.2i)

P.S. Hope that Russian characters are readable.

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