New Dictionary

Thu Oct 12 11:09:14 UTC 2000

SerboCroatian-English Colloquial Dictionary

The dictionary contains over 23,800 entries, with over 19,300 one-word and
over 4,500 multi-word lexical items. The methodological framework used in
this dictionary can be described as cross-cultural cognitive linguistics.
The notion of 'colloquial' as used in the standard languages, but are more a
part of spoken style than written style, and words from dialects.
When applicable one-word entries consist of headword with marked stress,
part of speech and inflectional tag, alternative form(s), definition in
standard English, nonstandard English equivalent, regional label, attitude
label, etymological labels, literal meaning, form in standard language,
example and translation, and cross-reference. Multiword entries, when
applicable, consist of the multiword lexical unit, grammar label,
equivalent(s), regional, domain, and attitude labels (see above), example
and translation. The major ethnic and regional variation covered in the
dictionary include the following: Bosnian, Bosnian Muslim, Croatian,
Dinaric, Kajkavian, Mediterranean, Montenegrin, Southern Serbian, Serbian,
Serbian Ekavian, Vojvodinian, and Yugoslav Guest workers in Germany.
An English-SerboCroatian index is included all one word lexical entries.

2000    704     Hardbound       Item # 3188
ISBN: 1-881265-73-0

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