
Zielinski zielinski at ECONOPHONE.CH
Thu Oct 26 11:20:19 UTC 2000

John Schillinger schrieb:

> And my students have asked, what happened to Ms
Kaplan?  Anyone know the
> answer to that one?

According to Aleksander Wat (1900-1967), Polish poet
kept by the Soviets in
several prisons, there was a rumour in Lyubianka,
that Kaplan, pardonned by
Lenin, was working as a librarian in this prison.
According to his book "Moj
Wiek" (there is a translation, "My Century: The
Odyssey of a Polish
Intellectual, University of California Press, 1988)
also Stalin saved her in
order to have some good traces for his posthumous
biographies, but on the
other hand he did not want to let news about his
generosity spread too much
- not to encourage potential killers of his own

Jan Zielinski

(I'm sending this to the list as well as, I suppose, it may be not
without some general interest).

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