Russian music videos

Kat Tancock tancockk at UVIC.CA
Tue Oct 31 16:00:33 UTC 2000


In response to the request for video materials for third year students, I've
done a bit of research on music videos.

The video I have (союз 20, I think) is a mix of about 20 different artists.
This series and others are available at, and probably lots of
other places. 

I try to choose songs that are fairly clear, which means you have to watch
all of the videos, which means an appreciation for Russian pop is kind of a
necessity. :) 

As far as lyrics go, you can get a lot of them on the internet. Here is one
such place:

And all you have to do is invest some time in searching to fine more.

I find this a fun exercise even for lower level students. It's excellent
practice just to listen while reading along, even if the students don't
understand the lyrics. It helps train their ears, and the material is a bit
more exciting than the tapes that come with first and second year textbooks.
(Я говорю по-русски. Ты говоришь по-русски?...)

Also, as I've said before, because lyrics are so repetitive, students have
several chances to hear most lines, and are more likely to get something out
of them.

Hope this helps,


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