Business Russian Technical Trainining Opportunity

Barbara Mozdzierz mozdzierz at ACTR.ORG
Thu Dec 20 15:36:11 UTC 2001

Russnet's Internet Administrator, Ken Petersen, will be manning a table in the exhibit hall at the AATSEEL conference in New Orleans on 12/28 and 12/29.  He plans to meet with 3rd and 4th-year Russian teachers who are interested in using Russnet's Online Business Russian materials.  He is also looking for teachers who are interested in learning about Russnet's emerging set of authoring tools that will allow teachers to create dynamic, Web-based Russian language learning materials.  If you are interested in setting up an appointment with Ken, please contact him to schedule a time.
Ken Petersen's tel.: (202) 833-7522
Email: kpeter at

Barbara M. Mozdzierz, Ph.D.
Senior Publication Specialist
American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS
1776 Massachusetts Ave., 7th floor
Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 833-7522
Fax (202) 833-7523
Email: mozdzierz at

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