theory of narrative motif

Igor Silantev silantev at SSCADM.NSU.RU
Tue May 22 08:46:33 UTC 2001

Dear Colleagues,

I am doing a historiography research on motif theory as it was
developed in Russian literature studies from the end of XIXth century
and from the time of "formal school" to the present days. I wonder if
you can help me to find some modern research works on narrative motif
theory outside Russia, especially in America and U.K. I understand
that the motif theory is not a "hot" issue in modern western
narratology but any suggestions would be very useful for me just to
compare different traditions of criticism.

Any suggestions, comments, links to Internet resourses would be
greatly appreciated. Please write me at silantev at I
will compile your suggestions and send them back to the list.

Sorry for possible cross-posting -- I have also forwarded this request
to the Narrative listserv.

Thanks in advance.

Igor Silantev


Igor Silantev
Novosibirsk State University

Pirogova 11, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
tel. +7 3832 397451; fax. +7 3832 303011
email silantev at

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