Slovenian sentence

K. Dziwirek dziwirek at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Wed Nov 14 08:34:16 UTC 2001

I am working on a paper on the verb to teach in Slavic languages and
want to include Slovenian in my sample. My consultant (a young
atmospheric sciences exchange student) supplied me with the following
sentence (diacritics omitted):

Eve taught the youngest pupils writing.
Eva je ucila najmlaje ucence pisanja.

the form pisanja looks to me like a genitive, yet typically Slovenian
uses two accusatives with this verb:

Peter taught Kate math.
Peter je ucil Katarino matematiko.

so I would expect pisanje. I have tried to find other native speakers in
the Seattle area but failed. If any of you can corroborate this data or
comment on it in any way I would be very grateful! Please reply off the
list to dziwirek at

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