FSB email fraud (Was: Re: [SEELANGS] Image Database)

Chris Tessone tessone at POLYGLUT.NET
Tue Jun 3 16:55:37 UTC 2003

This sounds pretty unlikely.  I suspect the government has a fairly
large amount of control over the networks in Russia, but I seriously
doubt that extends to control over all servers used by ISPs to a point
that they could install filters on mail servers.  I wouldn't ever
assume total privacy, even here in the States, but the likelihood that
the FSB is snooping for credit card numbers is pretty slim.

Incidentally, because email is sent in plaintext over untrusted
networks, one should never, ever, under any circumstances send
privileged information like credit card numbers in email messages.  If
you absolutely must, you should use a program like GPG to encrypt the
message; with a technology like that, even the FSB won't be able to get
at it.


On Tuesday, June 3, 2003, at 04:55  AM, Scott Petersen wrote:

> I have received this from another list. Has anyone heard anything
> similar, or does it sound apocryphal?

Christopher A. Tessone
Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois
BA Student, Russian and Mathematics

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