Russian films in the 1980s

Steven Hill s-hill4 at UIUC.EDU
Sat Apr 17 06:44:40 UTC 2004

Dear knowledgeable colleagues:

In Sergei Gerasimov's film, "Leo Tolstoy" (USSR-Slovakia, 1984, co-starring Makorova), are
my eyes not deceiving me that old Vladimir KASHPUR plays an uncredited but important role
in one episode (conversion with Tolstoy on a train)?

Have any of you actually SEEN the "missing 77 minutes" of Gerasimov's docu-drama?
Supposedly the original Russian version ran 180 minutes, but the English-subtitled version
(dist. in USA by "Kino on Video") runs 103 minutes.  Quite a difference!  But is it a significant

Separate query.  My interest in Russian emigres in film caused my eyes to alight on the title
of a 1985 Soviet film, "Polevaia gvardia Mozzhukhina" (1985, dir Lonskoi, scr. Metal'nikov).
Does this film have any connection with the celebrated emigre actor, Ivan Il'ich
MOZZHUKHIN (Mosjoukine, 1889-1939)?  Or pure coincidence in the names?

Steven P. Hill (University of Illinois, USA).
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