TOC: Ab Imperio 1 - 2004: Heterogeneity of Imperial and National Memory

Sergey Glebov glebov at RCI.RUTGERS.EDU
Thu May 13 19:48:35 UTC 2004

Dear colleagues,

Ab Imperio editors are pleased to announce the release of the first issue of AI in 2004. Ab Imperio is a bilingual (English-Russian) quarterly dedicated to studies of New Imperial History and Nationalism in the post-Soviet space. Materials of this issue are written from different disciplinary perspectives (theory, history, sociology, political science, anthropology) and address the theme of "Heterogeneity of Imperial and National Memory" (see below the Table of Contents). This issue opens our annual focus on Archeology of Memory of Empire and Nation. The international group of contributors to this issue explore various aspects of memory and history in the context of multinational empires in general and Russian/Soviet experience in particular. This issue of the journal is already available online:  

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(The language of publication is indicated in brackets)

Ab Imperio 1-2004 Heterogeneity of Imperial and National Memory

I. Methodology and Theory

>From the Editors Can an Empire Have Memory? An Invitation to Discussion (E)

Virtual Roundtable Reflections on Memory, Empire, and Nation 

Etienne FRANCOIS (R)

Tony JUDT (R)




                    Matt Matsuda (E)

II. History Constructing Region through the Past

Heinz-Gerhard Haupt European History as Comparative History (R)

Mark von Hagen Empires, Borderlands, and Diasporas: Eurasia as Anti-Paradigm for the Post-Soviet Era (R)


Geoffrey HOSKING (E)

Martin W. LEWIS (E)


David McDONALD (E)

Alexander Filiushkin How Russia Became Asia for Europe? (R)

Yaroslav Hrytsak On Sails and Gales, and Ships Sailing in Various Directions: Post-Soviet Ukraine (E)

Andrzej Nowak From Empire Builder to Empire Breaker, or There and Back Again: History and Memory of Poland’s Role in East European Politics (E)

III. Archive

Sofia Tchouikina Biographical Interview and the Sociology of Memory (R)

Interview with L. A. Uspenskaia (R)

Ilya Gerasimov, Marina Mogilner Amarcord, the 20th Century: Forgetting Ideology? (Concluding Remarks to the Interview with L. Uspenaksia) (R)

IV. Sociology, Ethnology, 
Political Science

Andreas Langenohl Collective Memory after the Change of the Regime: Similarities and Differences between Commemorative Practices in Post-Communist and Post-Colonial Countries (E)

Stephen Velychenko Post-Colonialism and Ukrainian History (E)

Vello Pettai Narratives and Political Development in the Baltic States: History Revised and Improvised (E)

V. ABC: Empire & Nationalism Studies

Steven Sabol Introduction to the Forum (E)

Marlйne Laruelle, Sйbastien Peyrouse Russians in the Altai: Historical Memory and National Identity in Kazakhstan (R)

Peter Rottier Legitimizing the Ata Meken: The Kazakh Intelligentsia Write a History of Their Homeland (E)

Elena Bezvikonnaia The Reconstruction of National History in the Modern Republic of Kazakhstan (the Case of Russo-Kazakh Relations in the 18th – 19th c.) (R)

Aigul Zabirova Post-Soviet Kazakhstan: A Review of Contemporary Western Historiography (R)

VI. Newest Mythologies

Elisabeth Gessat-Anstett Memory Eternal or Memory Like a Sieve? Commemorative Logic in Post-Soviet Russia (R)

VII. Book Reviews

Gerald Stourzh (Hg.). Annдherungen an eine europдische Geschichts-schreibung. Wien: Verlag der цsterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2002 (= Archiv fьr цsterreichische Geschichte. Bd. 137.). 176 S. ISBN: 3-7001-3070-8.

Фритьоф Беньямин Шенк

Архив новейшей истории России. Серия “Исследования”. Т. II. Государственный Архив Российской Федерации: 10 лет работы. 1992-2002: Сборник статей / Ред. С. В. Мироненко, В. А. Козлов, В. А. Тюнеев. М.: РОССПЭН, 2002. 256 с. 

Павел Полян

Российская историческая мозаика. Сборник научных статей в честь Джона Кипа / Отв. ред. А. Л. Литвин. Казань, 2003. 294 с. (на рус. и англ. яз.). Библиография работ Дж. Кипа. ISBN 5-8185-0023-3.

Ernest A. Zitser

Daniel Brower, Turkestan and the Fate of the Russian Empire (London: Routledge Curzon, 2003). Xv + 213 pp. Maps. Plates. Notes. Bibliography. Index. ISBN: 0-415-29744-3.

Michael Rouland

Stйfane Mund, ORBIS RUSSIARUM: Genиse et development de la representation du monde “russe” en Occident а la Renaissance (Genиve: Lirairie Droz S.A., 2003). (=Travaux d’Humanisme et Renaissance. No. CCCLXXXII). 598 s. ISBN: 2-600-00849-7; ISSN: 0082-6081. 

Александр Филюшкин

Регiони України. Хронiка та керiвники. Т. 2. Харкiвська область / Ред. К. Мацузато, В. Якушик. Sapporo: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, 2002. 138 с.

Юрий Лабынцев
Лариса Щавинская

Регионы России. Хроника и руководители. Том 7: Республика Татарстан, Удмуртская республика, Республика Мордовия / Ред. К. Мацузато. Sapporo: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, 2000. 471 с.; Том 8: Республика Марий Эл, Чувашская республика, Республика Башкортостан / Ред. К. Мацузато. Sapporo: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, 2003. 342 с.

Dmitry P. Gorenburg

David Schimmelpenninck van der Oye, Toward the Rising Sun: Russian Ideologies of Empire and the Path to War with Japan (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2001). xiii +329 p. Index. ISBN: 0-87580-276-1 (cloth). 

Игорь Мартынюк

НЕСТОР: Ежеквартальный журнал истории и культуры России и Восточной Европы. 2000. № 1: Православная церковь в России и СССР. Источники, исследования, историография / Главный редактор И. В. Лукоянов, ред. номера C. Л. Фирсов. Санкт-Петербург – Кишинев, 2000. 444 c. ISBN: 9975-9519-8-8

Pavel Stefanov

Laurie Manchester, Secular Ascetics: The Mentality of Orthodox Clergymen’s Sons in Late Imperial Russia (Ph.D. Dissertation. Columbia University, 1995), 634 p.; 

Laurie Manchester, “The Secularization of the Search for Salvation: The Self-Fashioning of Orthodox Clergymen’s Sons in Late Imperial Russia,” Slavic Review. Vol. 57 (1998), pp. 50-76; 

Laurie Manchester, “Harbingers of Modernity, Bearers of Tradition: Popovichi as a Model Intelligentsia Self in Revolutionary Russia,” Jahrbьcher fьr Geschichte Osteuropas. Bd. 20 (2002). S. 321-344.

Елена Вишленкова

Christine Worobec, Possessed: Women, Witches and Demons in Imperial Russia (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2001). xv + 206 pp. Tables, notes, bibliography, index. ISBN: 0-87580-273-7. 

Ольга Христофорова


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