
Francoise Rosset frosset at WHEATONMA.EDU
Fri May 21 04:14:33 UTC 2004

One of our graduates (he actually majored in anthro and physics; but
he took a year of accelerated Russian from us) is just finishing up a
year in Kazakhstan, where he was studying Kazakh, keeping up his
Russian and doing some field research, thanks in large part to an
ACTR grant. He was based in Almaty.
He must have some useful stuff to share.

His name is Jon Lyons and his e-mail is <jonlewislyons at>.
Oh, and he too is from Oregon ...

Francoise Rosset, Russian and Russian Studies
Coordinator for Women's Studies, spring 2004
Wheaton College
Norton, Massachusetts 02766
phone:  (508) 286-3696
fax:    (508) 286-3640
e-mail: frosset at

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