publitsistika v. zhurnalistika

Irina Zhulamanova zhulamanova at LINGUISTICS.UCSB.EDU
Wed Jun 8 03:29:23 UTC 2005

Dear colleagues,

I would define zhurnalistika as an activity, a major, or an occupation: 'Moi
otets zanimaetsia zhurnalistikoi' approximately equals 'Moi otest byl
zhurnalistom'. Publitsistika in its non-ideological sense is a product of
journalistika: 'On pishet publitsistiku' (sorry, sounds kind of odd without a
context). In more general sence publitsistika is sociopolitical writings, not
only in mass media , but including even poetry. Lenin's article " O
literatury" or something like that declared that every writing is politically
oriented, so Soviet literature and journalism must be overtly claiming
socialism values, etc. So there was nothing neutrally informational during the
Soviet era. Another thing is that, I guess, journalism and journalistika might
differ in their meanings...

In CIS, public relations are often transliterated or translated as sviazi s
obshestvennostiu: 'Trebuetsia menedzher po sviaziam s obshestvennosiu'. I saw
this kind of announcements about 5-7 years ago, cannot garantee, they are like
that now, but garantee, they do not use publitsistika for this purpose.

Irina Zhulamanova

Quoting Janneke van de Stadt <Janneke.vandeStadt at WILLIAMS.EDU>:

> Dear colleagues,
> Can anyone help me nail down, as much as possible, how publitsistika
> differs from zhurnalistika?  Oxford translates the former as
> "sociopolitical journalism" (?),  but my sense is that "publitsistika"
> tends more toward "sociopolitical commentary" rather than strict
> "journalism" (however fictional that may seem).
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks in advance!
> Janneke
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