Russian women travellers

A.Smith a.smith at CAVEROCK.NET.NZ
Sun Aug 6 17:47:11 UTC 2006

Dear Sarah,

You might wish to add to your list of writers Ariadna Tyrkova-Williams who
wrote a book of travel sketches on Turkey "Staraia Turtsiia I mladoturki:
god v Konstantinopole", Petrograd, Tip. B. M. Volfa, 1916, 179p. It was
written in 1916 when Tyrkova and her husband Harold Williams lived in Turkey
(he worked as a British correspondent there).
In her famous diary Marie Bashkirtseff depicts her travelling experiences in
Spain, Italy, etc. 
Lev Tolstoy had a very high opinion of Zinaida Gippius's travel sketch
(ocherk) "Svetloe ozero" (Novyj Put', nos 1-2, 1904). It describes some
sacred areas in the North of Russia, flagellants, etc.
Zinaida Gippius's sister -- Anna Gippius- also produced  travel writing
sketches. Her sister wrote a sketch about her visit to Solovetsky islands
(SOLOVKI).(she wrote fiction and poetry under the pseudonym Anna
Giz)--"Ocherk o solovetskikh ostrovakh". The shortened version of this text
is located  at this site:

I hope this information will be of some help to you.


Alexandra Smith

Lecturer in Russian (PhD, University of London)
Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies
University of Sheffield

Alexandra.Smith at

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