Sviatskii article

Thomas Keenan thomas.keenan at YALE.EDU
Thu Aug 31 14:15:13 UTC 2006

I'm wondering whether anyone out there will have any idea how to track 
down an article. I've had no luck finding it myself. The author is an 
astronomer by the name of D.O. Sviatskii (N.I. Idel'son is a possible co-
author), the title: "Astronomiia u Dante Alig'eri v ego "Bozhestvennoi 
komedii"" and it evidently appeared in "Izvestiia Petrogr. nauchnogo 
instituta im. P.F. Lesgafta" - 1922, t. 5 (which I can't seem to find 
anywhere in the U.S.). Any help greatly appreciated.


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