Question re Hatyn'

Tatyana Buzina tbuzina at YANDEX.RU
Mon Oct 30 20:53:54 UTC 2006

from that very Livejournal community:

Quote 1
Залез на сайт этого университета, посмотрел... Division of Political Science не существует, но есть на факультете искусств (Faculty of Arts) такое подразделение как Department of Political Science (важно! - абсолютно разный статус, всё равно как лаборатория и кафедра). Профессора такого тоже нет в Faculty List. Лажа это и провокация. И ничего больше. Я, к тому же, был поражён, что канадец ЭТО мог написать.

Quote 2
на самом деле основная мысль тут не оправдание фашистов, а рассмотрение событий с разных сторон - стандартный подход западной школы...

I've been told about a planned collection of essays on Emperor Nero which shouldn't have included a single negative remark about Nero. The information comes from someone who's been offered to participate on that exact condition. 

The new film Beowulf and Grendel (the change of title is telling) reportedly has a message that monsters deserve respect, too (quoted from a film magazine, I'm now looking for the film to watch). No matter that the monster devoured people, he also deserves justification, apparently. 

I find the Hatyn' story a distasteful and morbid joke that, in a shocking way, draws our attention to the fact that yes, often alternative histories clear those who were unjustly maligned, and Russia is the prime example of that, but sometimes they can whitewash those who did some... how could I put it mildly? questionable, or rather, despicable and inhumane things. 

It is the proximity of that event that elicits a gasp of indignation. Nobody of us was there when Nero did what he did, and we don't tend to relate strongly to ancient history. Our history will some time become ancient, too (at least I sure hope it will have time to do so and we don't wipe ourselves from the face of the earth in some idiot way) and this is a sad reminder we should tread carefully with everything we do and take long-term consequences into account. 


[same quotes transliterated below]
Quote 1
Zalez na sait etogo universiteta, posmotrel... Division of Political Science ne sushchestvuet, no est' na fakul'tete iskusstv (Faculty of Arts) takoe podrazdelenie kak Department of Political Science (vazhno! - absoliutno raznyi status, vse ravno kak laboratoriia i kafedra). Professora takogo tozhe net v Faculty List. Lazha eto i provokatsiia. I nichego bol'she. Ia, k tomu zhe, byl porazhen, chto kanadets ETO mog napisat'.

Quote 2
na samom dele osnovnaia mysl' tut ne opravdanie fashistov, a rassmotrenie sobytii s raznykh storon - standartnyi podkhod zapadnoi shkoly...

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