Slavic Historical Mythologies Symposium at Penn, April 27

Kevin M. F. Platt kmfplatt at SAS.UPENN.EDU
Fri Apr 20 13:14:42 UTC 2007

Please attend:


University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

Max Kade Center, 3401 Walnut Street, Rm. 329A

(34th and Walnut – above Starbucks)

April 27, 2007

915 – 945            Coffee and pastries

945  – 1000            Opening remarks

1000 – 1200            Panel I: Medieval

Donald Ostrowski, Harvard University, “The ‘Unclean People’ of the  
Revelations of Pseudo-Methodios of Patara in the Povest’ vremennykh let”

Julia Verkholantsev, University of Pennsylvania, “Myths about Myths:  
the Makeover of the Slavic Sibylline Prophecies”

Michael Pesenson, Swarthmore College, “Changing Perceptions of the  
Antichrist in Russian Literature and Culture from the Middle Ages to  
the Silver Age”

Discussant: Emily Steiner, University of Pennsylvania

1200 - 100            Lunch (provided for participants)

100 – 300            Panel II: Nineteenth Century

Ilya Vinitsky, University of Pennsylvania. “Russian Glubbdubdrib:  
Dimitry’s Shade and the Historical Imagination in the Age of Realism”

Katerina Clark, Yale University, “The Cult of Byron in 1930s Russia”

Galin Tikhanov, Lancaster University, “Organicity: towards the  
history of a discourse”

Discussant: Warren Breckman, University of Pennsylvania

245 – 315            Coffee Break

315 – 515            Panel III: Twentieth Century

Mark Steinberg, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,  
“Wandering in Shattered Time: The Mythic Melancholy of Lost Pasts,  
Ruined Presents, and Catastrophic Futures”

David Brandenberger, Richmond University, “"The Great Retreat:  
Stalin’s Cooption of Russian Historical Myths in the Eyes of the Left  

Caryl Emerson, Princeton University, "Princeton’s Boris Godunov  
(April 2007): Russian myths meet American realities—and resources”

Discussant: Peter Steiner, University of Pennsylvania

530 – 730                  Dinner Reception at location TBA

Associate Professor Kevin M. F. Platt
Chair, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
745 Williams Hall
255 S. 36th Street
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305

kmfplatt at

Tel: 215-746-0173
Fax: 215-573-7794

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