The image of Poles abroad

Kris Van Heuckelom kris.vanheuckelom at ARTS.KULEUVEN.AC.BE
Thu Aug 2 16:23:48 UTC 2007

Dear SEELANGers,

I have just started preparing a course on the image of Poles abroad. More 
specifically, I am looking for all kinds of material (cartoons, commercials, 
novels, plays, posters, movies, ...)  in which certain stereotypes about 
Poles and Poland are perpetuated (or modified). If anyone of you has 
interesting foreign "Polonica" to share (in addition to novels such as "Il 
polacco lavatore di vetri" and "Confessions of a Polish Used Car Salesman" 
or movies such as "Polish Wedding", "Fyra veckor i juni", "De Poolse bruid", 
...), please reply off-list to kris.vanheuckelom at .

Best regards,

Kris Van Heuckelom
K.U.Leuven, Belgium

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