Call for Papers: �Magic, Russian Modernism, and the Av ant-garde�

Tim Portice tportice at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Aug 16 16:28:09 UTC 2007

Call for Papers: “Magic, Russian Modernism, and the Avant-garde” October 12, 2007   Palmer House, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. Organizers: Olga Peters Hasty (Slavic Languages and Literatures, Princeton University), Christine Dunbar (Slavic Languages and Literatures, Princeton University), Tora Lane (Slavic Languages, Stockholm University), and Timothy Portice (Slavic Languages and Literatures, Princeton University) 
Russian Literature has always had a close relationship with folkloric culture. In Russian Modernism this interest in folklore took a new and intensified turn when Russian Modernists recognized in folklore an alternative creative paradigm that could revitalize their artistic means.  Folklore presented a dynamic artistic universe and generated potential for new styles. Prominent Russian Modernist poets, including A. Blok, A. Bely, K. Balmont, M. Tsvetaeva, and V. Khlebnikov became interested in the magic properties of ritual language, the composer I. Stravinsky in the rhythm of folk songs, and the painter and sculptor N. Goncharova in the motifs of folk art.  This conference serves to explore this definitive aspect of Russian Modernism, which has continued to energize artists throughout the 20th century. 
For this conference, we are currently accepting proposals that explore the connections between folklore, magic and Modernism.  The deadline for conference proposals is September 14, 2007.  Papers will be shared among conference participants a week before the conference to facilitate informed discussion and commentary.  Transportation and accommodation will be provided for all participants.  Paper proposals (maximum 500 words) and any questions should be addressed to cdunbar at
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