Stories/articles about immigrant life

Elena Gapova e.gapova at WORLDNET.ATT.NET
Tue Aug 21 16:48:28 UTC 2007

My "minor" research interest is migration of post-Soviet IT (information technology) specialists and their life (with families) in the US, and I've published a couple of pieces on the topic. If texts in Russian work for you, here's one: Елена Гапова.  "Жены "русских" программистов или женщины, которые едут вслед за мужчинами." Сб: Семейные узы: модели для сборки/ Под ред. С. Ушакина. М., 2004. 
It is based on semi-structured interviews with spouses of IT specialists, who get the H1-B ("dependent") visa in the US, with no right to work, and deals with how the spouses mostly (women, as men usually do not agree to follow women as dependents) deal with compulsory dependenе status.

I also have an entry in English in the "Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology" (Eileen M. Trauth ed.), Idea Group, 2006, entitled: "Migration of IT Specialist and Gender", and the report "Migration of Information Technology Professionals from the Post-Soviet Region in "Migration Perspectives: Eastern Europe and Central Asia." The International Organization for Migration (IOM), 2006. This last one is available at the IOM website.

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